Environmental Projects has been working on an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on behalf of Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers Ltd, for a proposed port to be located on Kangaroo Island. Part of this process involved engaging with the community in public consultation sessions. For a select few this meant an overnight stay on the island and carting numerous copies of the EIS and boxes upon boxes of Fact Sheets!
For two days Town Hall in Kingscote and Parndana Community Hall were transformed into an ‘open house’ style information gallery with maps lining the walls, screens set up with drone footage and interactive 3D models of the proposal, tables piled with take away information and the experts who worked on the EIS ready and open for questions. Even though it was a couple of long, chilly days we were glad we were able to listen to concerns, answer questions and share the knowledge and detail the work that went into studies and research for the EIS, with the Kangaroo Island community.