SA’s single use plastic ban

From 1 March 2021 single-use plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery including bioplastic will no longer be supplied in South Australia. 

South Australia’s Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 is the first legislation of its kind in Australia. 

It is a positive step towards avoiding waste and reducing harm caused to our wildlife, including marine life, through litter and pollution.  

Environmental Projects is doing their little bit by sponsoring Brighton Rugby Union Football Club for the purchase of eCups (, reusable drinking cups, that could also be fully recycled and made into secondary materials at end-of-life. 

South Australians are committed to protecting the environment. We will lead the rest of the country by avoiding and replacing waste with reusable or recyclable alternatives to ensure the best environmental outcome for our ‘clean and green’ state.  

This is something we can all get behind and be proud of. See for more information.